Alley Cat Crew

Alley Cat Crews work on major trail construction projects. These projects require months of advanced planning and preparation and the projects themselves may take from several days to a week. They involve construction of trail infrastructure such as lean-tos and bridges, and major trail building or rerouting.  Crews are organized by the FLTC’s Director of Crews & Construction. Projects are done with assistance and local coordination provided by the Trail Sponsoring organization or individual.

Although Alley Cat is named from “Allegany to the Catskills”, the route of the main trail, Alley Cat crews work on branch trails too.


Hello! It has been a busy year for trail construction, some projects completed, some delayed to next year, and a couple new ones added.  

The 2024 Schedule is full, but we are still working out a lot of the details and dates.

May 14 – 17: Odell Road Bridge (M19)

Construction of a new bridge to eliminate the need for a high water by pass. Leaders will be Check and MJ Uttech.

June 10 – 14: Allegany State Park Alley Cat (M1) Trail Reconstruction

We are looking to continue our partnership with the American Hiking Society and their Volunteer Vacations. We will also have opening for local volunteers as well. This will be part of a multi-year project and have many pieces, lean-to staining and roofing, bridge staining and replacement, drainage, puncheons, etc. etc. There is a lot to do here. Mike Tenkate will be the project leader.

October 3 – 6: Allegany County Lean-to Alley Cat (M8)

We will be construction a new lean-to to close an existing gap between lean-tos. Leaders will be Peter Wybron and Mike Ogden.

Dates Pending: Bristol Hills Branch Replacement Bridges (B1)

Replacement of a series of ten bridges between Elbois Road and Bean Station Road. We will be removing the 10 old bridges this fall and replacing with two new bridges in the spring. Leaders will be Jeff Darling. Dates are pending.

Dates Pending: Route 219 Reroute Alley Cat (M3)

We are hoping to reroute an extremely step section of trail above route 219 north of Ellicottville and construct a bridge, lots of planning still needed with this but very hopefully we can get this all pulled together. Leaders will be Donna and Marty Ruszaj.

More Information

Do you have a question about one of our projects, need more information, or just have a general question about Alley Cat projects?  Use our form below and we will get in touch with you.



The Finger Lakes Trail Conference is seeking volunteers knowledgeable in project management ad construction techniques, and those willing to lead and participate in the projects listed below. This year’s offerings include construction of a lean-to, retaining wall, bridges, and stairs among other structures.

Project Managers generally assist in acquiring materials, permits, equipment and volunteers in the months and weeks prior to an Alley Cat Project. During the project, Project Managers manage the volunteers, ensure safety protocols are followed, and take care of the paperwork requirements for the FLTC, NYS and other entities.

Construction Managers oversee, teach, and participate in the building of structures. Some of these duties include getting materials from the roadside to the construction site, directing volunteers in various construction tasks (digging, cutting, nailing, and measuring) and ensuring safety protocols are being followed.

Alley Cat Projects are highly rewarding experiences. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Project or Construction Manager, please complete our Volunteer Form.