May 30 – June 1, 2014 – Cazenovia College

Save the date!

Special Combined
Finger Lakes Trail 2014 Spring Weekend
Adirondack Mountain Club Meeting 

Hosted by ADK-Onondaga Chapter

Cazenovia College, Cazenovia, NY
May 30 – June 1, 2014

The ADK-Onondaga Chapter will host a unique combined Adirondack Mountain Club and Finger Lakes Trail Conference Spring Weekend at the beautiful Cazenovia College campus.  Outings will include pedaling, paddling and hiking.  Participants can hike on the Onondaga Trail, Finger Lakes Trail, North Country National Scenic Trail as well as other local trails.  Pedal the rolling hills and scenic lakeside routes or paddle pristine Cazenovia Lake or nearby lakes.  Evening programs include the story of climbing to the highest points on 7 continents by Dr. Manoj Vora on Friday and live musical on Saturday.

For complete information and registration form, visit the ADK-Onondaga Chapter website:

  • Program
  • Hiking, biking, and paddling trips
  • Questions?
  • Directions and maps
  • Registration form
