Volunteer Census Form

Instructions (click to open/close)

Greetings Volunteers,

It’s that time of year to submit our volunteer hours for the 2024 census. Your contribution is greatly appreciated by the FLTC. The annual submission of our hours is very important. It documents to NYS public land managers, the North Country Trail Association, the National Park Service, and our financial auditors, the landowners and agencies hosting the trail, and our financial supporters the volunteer time and effort we have put forth to maintain and manage a foot trail across New York State.

Do I have to submit a different form for each of the different hats I wear?

No, you do not. One online form can accommodate all of the many roles you may hold or categories of volunteer hours that you give to the trail. Make sure that none of your hours that you dedicate to the trail or any of the organizations that support the trail are missed or duplicated. Remember that your total hours include travel time. If you report some or all your hours to someone else, you do not also have to report those hours as an individual.

Use the different roles and categories of volunteer hours shown below to describe your volunteer efforts for the FLTC.


  • Club/Organization Chair/Board Member/Member
  • Individual Trail Sponsor
  • Individual Volunteer
  • Regional Trail Coordinator
  • Roving Trail Crew
  • FLTC Board Member/Officer
  • FLTC Committee Member
  • Other

Trail Work Categories:

Trail Work – maintenance and construction

  • Trail Maintainer (Steward)
  • Local work crew/trail work days
  • Maintenance
  • Construction
  • Alley Cat
  • Trail Sponsor
  • Certified Sawyer

We also report non-trail volunteer work in several categories:

  • Administration (Admin) – Board and Committee work and meetings for the FLTC or affiliate, office work, writing, editing, accounting, etc.
  • Interpretation and Outreach (Interp) – hike leader, promotion, tabling, education, outreach, brochure development, etc.
  • General Resource Work (GRW) – GIS/GPS mapping, planning, land protection/acquisition, digital experience.
  • Training (Train) – training you have received or conducted in the areas of construction, maintenance, safety, sawyer, etc.

Choose as many of the categories shown above as apply to you.