Alley Cat Crews work on major trail construction projects. These projects may require months of advanced planning and preparation and the projects themselves may take from several days to a week. They involve construction of trail infrastructure such as lean-tos and bridges, and major trail building or rerouting. Crews are organized by the FLTC’s Director of Crews & Construction. Projects are done with assistance and local coordination provided by the Trail Sponsoring organization or individual.

Although Alley Cat means “Alle-gany to the Cat-skills,” Alley Cat crews work on branch trails, too.

Contact the Director of Crews & Construction for more information about joining an Alley Cat Crew.

Prior Projects


#1 Bock Harvey Lean to #2 Muller Lean to

June 24 (no work) August 5 (no work)

June 25-28th August 6-9th

#3 Re-route M23

Mid September

A traditional log shelter will be constructed on the Bock property in Tompkins County M17. This will take place June 24 through June 28. We will be staying at Pine Creek Campground conveniently located a few miles from the site. There will also be a post and beam style shelter built this year on M 12 as the Robert Muller Memorial lean-to for which Susan Yee has made possible. Rob Hughes will be making the mortise and tendon frame work to be installed on a typical lean-to foundation. This project is scheduled for August 5 to August 9. There will also be a trail re-route that will take more of the FLT off the road on M23. The dates for this are not set but will be in September. If you are considering volunteering this year check our website often for information and updates.

If you wish to volunteer for one or more of these projects, download, print, and fill out the application and waiver forms below and send them to Matt Branneman at the address listed on the forms.


